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Від Школи Гірського Кінного Туризму Олександра Ігнатенка


Гірський Кінний Туризм

Ми любимо тих, хто любить коней,  а не себе на коні!


Combatants and veterans of the russo-Ukrainian War (participants in combat operations and individuals with disabilities as a result of the war).

If you believe this program is for you, please fill out the participant's application to get on the waiting list. You can also contact us if you have any questions.


Our Atmosphere and Experience

The program will be held for the first time, so we do not have video and photo materials from past events. However, you can get a sense of the atmosphere in which the program will take place by watching relaxing videos with our horses. We have been working with large groups in equestrian tourism since 2001, accommodating groups of up to 70 people.


Три види взаємодії з конем: на відстані, в поводі, верхи...

Що важливіше? 

Furthermore, you can view more photo and video materials about our activities over the years on our social media pages.

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How does the project help to overcome PTSD?

PTSD results from an inability to process difficult emotional experiences caused by traumatic situations. A herd of horses in the mountains creates a unique environment for people with PTSD to perceive and process emotions. Direct contact with the animals is not even necessary to begin with, because just observing their life and interaction can cause powerful emotional reactions. Horses, as a symbol of strength and grace, can evoke internal resonances in people with PTSD that justify their emotional impressions. Observing a herd of horses in the mountains can help participants restore inner harmony, reveal unexpressed emotions, and feel part of nature again. This approach opens a new path to self-discovery and healing, where emotions are noted and processed in a relaxed and natural environment.


Mountain landscapes, plants, forests, herds of horses, a large group of people (allowing for personal exploration and interaction with new acquaintances), and vast territory - all contribute to the project's goal. Here, participant can take steps to refocus on life.

Unique programs, a large number of participants

Заповни форму і ми звʼяжемося з тобою та допоможемо зробити перші кроки у гірському кінному туризмі!

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All materials published on the website are the intellectual property of Farm Polonynske Hospodarstvo. When using photos, videos and text materials, be sure to indicate the source of the original.

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